In the next few days you will automatically receive the money left over from your cashless wristband!

Click here to log in to your personal account:

WeezPay widget

* If you registered in previous years, use the same password. If you don’t remember it, please click on “Forgot password?”

How does the cashless wristband work?

When you arrive at the Cruïlla Festival and show your ticket, we will give you a cashless wristband, which you must wear throughout your stay at the festival.

This wristband is your “key” to enter and leave the festival and also the only accepted payment method at Cruïlla. It is linked to your personal account, where you can top it up.

Before the Festival:

  • Create your personal account. You will have to link your ticket following the steps displayed on the system. IMPORTANT: If you have purchased more than one ticket of the same type, it will be necessary for each attendee to create their own personal account with their email address.
  • Once you have linked your ticket, you will be able to top up money into your account and it will be charged in the wristband that we will give you when you get to the festival.

During the Festival:

  • If you run out of credit, you will be able to top up as many times as necessary, always from your mobile device and through your personal account. There won’t be physical charging points at the festival. If you have any problems, there will be staff ready to help you.
  • Each time you make a payment inside the venue, you can ask how much money you have left on your wristband. You can also check this information at any time in your personal account.
  • IMPORTANT: if you have tickets for different days (for example, a Thursday ticket and a Saturday ticket), you can link only the first day’s ticket to your wristband. To be able to continue paying for the rest of the days, do not remove your wristband until you leave the festival on the last day.
  • Reusable and returnable crockery: the first time you order a drink at the bars, you will have to pay €2 with your wristband for the rental of the cup, which will be refunded when you return it. You will have to do the same with the dishes or containers from the restaurant area, which will have a price of €2.5. IMPORTANT: you can only return the same number of cups or dishes that you have paid for with your wristband.

After the Festival:

  • The money left on your wristband after Cruïlla will be refunded to you automatically and commission-free a few days after the end of the festival.
  • If the remaining amount is equal or less than €2, it will be donated to Oxfam Intermón. If you don’t want to donate, you only have to top up more than €2 before the end of the festival and then the refund will be made in full automatically. You will have until Sunday, July 14 at midday to make this extra top up.