Festival Cruïlla 2023


Friday 7 July
Starts at 23:45
Escenari Vallformosa

Sidonie in concert at the Cruïlla 2023 Festival

An unknown quantity and a safe bet

A hooligan image, an elegant floor plan. Three instantly recognisable silhouettes. Let’s say genuine optimism. A summer evening, a beer and everyone dancing to Sidonie.

Sidonie are in 2023 at a historic moment for the band: they have passed 20 years of career and are preparing their tenth album. And, next Friday 7 July, we’ll be celebrating together at the Cruïlla Festival!

Get your Cruïlla 2023 day ticket or full pass ticket:


Son uno de los grupos con mayor personalidad de la escena indie nacional. Porque su rock es capaz de llevarnos a sonoridades funk y electrónicas que nos sacuden los pies. Y porque, si buscas en su discografía, encontrarás pop brillante, rock pesado, psicodelia, letras surrealistas e incluso una habanera.

Sidonie ha hecho del cambio constante una virtud, lo que le convierte en uno de los grupos más estimulantes de seguir. Su álbum número 10 es, aunque parezca contradictorio, una incógnita y al mismo tiempo una apuesta segura.

They are one of the bands with the most personality on the national indie scene. Because their rock is capable of taking us to funk and electronic sounds that shake our feet. And because, if you look through their discography, you will find brilliant pop, heavy rock, psychedelia, surreal lyrics and even a habanera.

Sidonie have made a virtue out of constant change, which makes them one of the most stimulating bands to follow. Their album number 10 is, although it may seem contradictory, an unknown quantity and at the same time a safe bet.