Cruïlla 2021


Thursday 8 July
Starts at 18:45
Cruïlla Enamora

Rayden: stage poet

Rayden knows which word to choose at any time to make us believe that only that one was right for his composition. And while he is sewing words, they become stories full of love, but also stories full of destruction towards censorship or sexism.

Poet in soul and musician by profession, this man from Madrid dares to unite pop with rap and share it with the styles of artists like Iván Ferreiro, Rozalén or Bely Basarte. All of this, added to a unique and penetrating voice that is leaving us such magnificent works, for instance, Matemática de la carne, Haz de luz and Habla bajito.

This edition will be the perfect frame to check, for the first time, if his verses catch as much as we have been told.

Five albums, which we could also call poetry books, are the ones that accompany this rapper in his ten-year solo career. The Cruïlla will be the stage for Sinónimo, the continuity of Antónimo and the second album that follows the trilogy that will end in 2021 with Homónimo.