Summertime with Sportsmanship
‘Agorafília’ is more than just an album; it’s a journey. A journey that takes us through the different stages of a relationship and a year. It immerses us in the personal experiences of its author and invites us to reflect on our own. It speaks of “Hivernar amb esportivitat” (hibernating with sportsmanship) but also reminds us that “Ens hem guanyat l’estiu” (we’ve earned the summer) and thus fills us with the desire to enjoy summertime with sportsmanship.
And we can’t think of a better way to do it than by enjoying Pau Vallvé at Festival Cruïlla! The Barcelona artist will perform on Saturday, July 12th, 2025, to present his latest album with a new lineup and a new concept live: don’t miss it!
Get your tickets for the Festival Cruïlla 2025 here:
Three musicians on stage, an unmissable show, the new hits and the old favorites, and the unique personality that characterizes this Catalan singer-songwriter who has already released over a dozen albums and continues to fill venues and dance floors across the country. His raw and honest lyrics and his distinctive sound, yet so relatable to anyone who listens, have made him one of the most charismatic artists in Catalonia.
For ‘Agorafília’, Pau Vallvé experimented with methods he had never used before, and it’s clear that by daring to do something different, he achieved excellent results. Do the same by getting your tickets for Festival Cruïlla 2025!